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World Veterinary Day: Pay attention to your pet’s regular check-ups

Who doesn’t love furry hug from a pet after a long day? Pets help banish stress and give unconditional love, while also brightening up your life. But it’s also important to ensure that they are in the best of health. Says Dr Shivangi Raina – Product Executive Manager, Drools, “While providing home care for pets is important, certain treatments require the expertise of a veterinarian. Pet owners can see to basics like feeding, grooming and ensuring that their pet gets exercise, but specialised treatments like vaccinations, dental cleanings, and diagnostic tests must be performed by a veterinarian. Some medical conditions and emergencies also require professional attention for the right diagnosis and treatment. Make sure you stick to regular vet visits preventive care and early detection of health issues.”Ahead of World Veterinary Day tomorrow, Dr Raina shares why your four-legged pal needs regular check-ups. Regular check-ups can be a lifesaverBeing a pet parent comes with many responsibilities. As a pet owner, you play a vital role in your pet’s life, second only to their veterinarian. Vets play a crucial role in maintaining your pet’s health, and it’s essential to get them comfortable with vets from an early age. Taking them for regular check-ups can be a lifesaver. These visits are not just about vaccinations; they are comprehensive health assessments that can detect potential issues before they become serious problems.
Preparing your pet for vet visitTry to get your pet accustomed to being touched and handled all over their body, including sensitive areas like legs, paws, ears, and mouth. The best time to start this is when they are young. Familiarize your pet with their carrier by leaving it open in your house with familiar bedding inside. Sprinkle catnip or treats for cats or use toys for dogs to encourage them to explore and get comfortable. This way, you can associate the carrier with positive experiences. Make the carrier a safe and familiar space for your pet. If possible, take short walks or car rides with them in the carrier as well.
The right food Before heading out to make a vet’s visit with your dog, give them a light, easily digestible meal, which won’t upset their stomach during the journey. Opt for plain boiled chicken or rice. 
Puppies: Monthly wellness exams during early puppyhood (up to 16 weeks old) are recommended. These visits include vaccinations, heartworm, tick, and flea medications.
Adult dogs: Annual wellness exams are typical for adult dogs. These visits cover vaccinations, heartworm tests, dental exams, and other preventive measures.
Senior pets: Senior dogs (7 years and older) should have semi-annual vet visits (approximately every six months). Diagnostic tests maybe recommended assessing overall health.
What to get checkedWhen visiting the vet, it’s important to get your pet checked for various health issues and conditions. Your veterinarian will perform a thorough examination, including checking for signs of common diseases such as heartworm disease, Lyme disease, and other tick-borne illnesses. They may recommend diagnostic tests like bloodwork, urinalysis, and imaging studies to screen for underlying health concerns. Additionally, your vet can provide preventive care measures such as vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and dental exams to help keep your pet healthy.
